Section 8 Housing Vouchers

Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher Program

The Housing Choice Voucher program is a form of housing assistance that falls under Section 8 services. The program was established in the 1970s as part of the Section 8 services. Today it is one of the most prominent forms of Section 8 assistance. This program is administered by the Department of Housing and Urban Development. Each state provides the Housing Choice Voucher program locally through public housing authorities. Through the Housing Choice Voucher program households that have a place to live receive rent subsidies. The subsidy program ensures households will not have to pay for more than 30 percent of their monthly adjusted income on rent.


Program Requirements for Eligibility

In order to qualify for the HCV program a household must meet low-income requirements, as well as HUD guidelines for household composition. Each state provides a low-income limit summary to be used for the low-income requirement. As for the HUD guidelines these include:


  • You have to be 18 to apply for the Housing Choice Voucher program for your household.
  • All members of your household must be legally living in the US, and currently residing in the state where you apply for services.
  • No one should have a criminal history involving drugs or sexual offenses, and all members will be subject to a criminal background check.
  • Your household rental history is taken into consideration, and good standing renters are more likely to be approved for the HCV program.


Housing Choice Voucher Application Process

To apply for a Housing Choice Voucher must do so through a local public housing authority. The application process involves extensive documentation to prove your household income and composition. Once you are approved for the HCV program you will be placed on a waitlist.


Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher Waiting Lists

Waitlists are set up for all public housing authorities because the demand for affordable housing exceeds the availability. Some waitlists are closed in definitely due to over-demand. If you are living in a PHA that has a closed waitlist you will need to apply to another PHA. However, you can transfer your HCV to any residential area in your state.


Housing Choice Voucher Process

When you receive your Housing Choice Voucher you have 90 days to find an affordable home that meets HUD standards. These include being safe and sanitary, as well as having a landlord that is approved to receive Section 8 rental subsidies.


Housing Assistance Amounts

Your rent subsidy will be enough to ensure your household does not have to pay for more than 30 percent of your adjusted monthly income. The adjusted income is the amount remaining for your household after utilities and basic needs are met. When you apply for the HCV program you will be provided with an estimated benefit amount based on your current income. If your income amount increases or decreased while you receive the Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher assistance you must alert your PHA immediately. is not a government website or a government agency. You typically must work directly with the government to qualify for your program or benefits. This website and its contents are for informational purposes only. We do not claim responsibility for its accuracy.

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