Application Instructions for Wyoming Section 8

Step 1

Enter your zip code to get started

If need low-income housing consider the Wyoming Section 8 program. The Wyoming Housing Commission (WHC) and the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) work in conjunction to provide affordable and safe housing to Wyoming residents. These services are provided locally by public housing authorities (PHA) throughout the state. You may be eligible to apply for the following Section 8 programs:

  • The Housing Choice Voucher program
  • Public Housing Low Rent program

Households that already have somewhere to live, but need help paying the rent, can apply to the Housing Choice Voucher program. This Section 8 program helps make rent affordable by giving your landlord a subsidy to cover rent expenses. Your household is required to pay for up to 30 percent of what you earn each month on rent. The remaining amount is subsidized by Section 8. In order to qualify you must choose a house, townhome, apartment, condo, or otherwise that meets HUD requirements for safe housing. Additionally, if you move you are able to take the HCV benefits with you to another qualifying rental property.

The Public Housing Low Rent program provides households without a place to live with a rental unit. This program is best suited for the homeless, involuntarily displaced, veterans, disabled, or elderly in need of structured housing. You must apply for this service, and your application will be prioritized if you are elderly, disabled, or involuntarily displaced. If you choose to move from your Public Housing Low Rent unit you disqualify for the benefits, and you must reapply for a Section 8 program for a new unit.


Who can Qualify for Section 8?


Applicants for Section 8 in Wyoming must be able to meet certain requirements that are set forth by HUD. The primary requirement is that your household must not exceed low-income limits. Verify your household income by checking the income limits summary for Wyoming. For example, a household with three people cannot earn more than $53,800 to qualify for Section 8. If your household qualifies as very low-income or extremely low-income, then you will not receive priority placement. However, you will receive more of a subsidy or rental assistance if your application is approved.

You must also meet guidelines regarding your household composition. These are also set by HUD and are standard for all states offering Section 8 services. These guidelines include:

  • Your household residency status must include all legal citizens, whether you are a natural born US citizen or a permanent resident.
  • Your household must currently be living in Wyoming.
  • Your household members will be subject to criminal background checks. If anyone has a criminal history it may cause your household to be disqualified for services. Individuals with records involving drugs or sexual convictions are automatically disqualified.
  • You must be able to prove a positive rental history with your current and previous landlords.

Do you qualify for Wyoming Section 8? If so, then you are ready to move onto the next step, applying for services.


How to Apply


You need to call or visit your local public housing authority to get an application for Wyoming Section 8. You will receive an application and instructions on how to complete this process. Follow the instructions and provide everything requested by your household. If you fail to do so your application will likely be denied.

When you apply you will be placed on a waitlist. There are six waitlists for public housing and two open waitlists for the HCV program. Once on a waitlist you may have to wait quite a while before your household is selected for Section 8 services. While you wait, start the search for affordable housing in Wyoming. You can search for subsidized housing that meets the Housing Voucher Choice program requirements, as well as low-income project-based housing complexes. This will give you the opportunity to review affordable housing options in case you are not approved for Section 8 for a while.

To get more information about the process for applying to Wyoming Section 8 contact the Casper Field Office for your state HUD representative. is not a government website or a government agency. You typically must work directly with the government to qualify for your program or benefits. This website and its contents are for informational purposes only. We do not claim responsibility for its accuracy.

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