Application Instructions for Iowa Section 8

Step 1

Enter your zip code to get started

Individuals and families living in Iowa may be able to receive rental assistance if they qualify. In addition to providing housing for low-income households, Section 8 also houses the elderly and disabled populations. The agency that approves households for Iowa Section 8 is the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). It is managed locally via public housing authorities (PHAs). These housing authorities provide access to:

  • Public Housing program
  • Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher

Public housing services are also known as project-based assistance. These housing units are managed by PHAs that lease these to low-income households. Payment for public housing can be either a flat-rate or based on household income amounts. Public housing units in Iowa include single-family homes, as well as high-rise apartments. If you receive public housing assistance, your aid is only applicable if you live in that unit. If you move out of the project-based housing, then your assistance ends and you must reapply to receive Section 8 services.

The other option for low-income housing through Iowa Section 8 is the Housing Choice Voucher program. This program provides more flexibility for households in need of safe and affordable housing. It includes more than 1,200 low-income housing apartments in Iowa and an estimated 53,000 subsidized units. These may include single-dwelling residences, duplexes, apartments, and townhomes. If you apply and are approved for the Housing Choice Voucher program, you can choose your home if the landlord is registered with Section 8. The home you choose must meet HUD standards for sanitary and safe housing. You will receive a subsidy to help you pay for your rent, and this subsidy is paid directly to your landlord.

Each of these Section 8 programs require you to pay 30 percent of your adjusted gross income toward rent. The adjusted gross income is your household’s gross income minus rent and basic living expenses. The Section 8 subsidy, either through project-based housing assistance or the Housing Choice Voucher program, will pay for the remaining 70 percent of your rent each month. You are required to update your low-income housing application if your income changes while you are receiving Section 8 assistance.


Who can Qualify for Section 8?


To qualify for Iowa Section 8 your household must meet certain guidelines. The primary guideline is your adjusted household income. To be eligible you must be considered at least a low-income household:


  • One-person household low-income limit is $39,150
  • Two-person household limit is $44,750
  • Three-person household limit is $50,350
  • Four-person household limit is $55,900


There are also limits for up to an eight-person household. If your household limit is less than this, and is considered very low-income or extremely low-income, then you will receive priority for housing assistance in Iowa. Other priorities are granted to households with disabled or elderly members.


In addition to your income, your PHA agent will require you to complete an application and provide documents to verify your information. The PHA agent will also contact your employer, previous landlords, references, and other individuals who can prove your application information and history. You will also be required to meet the following guidelines set forth by HUD:


  • You must be a US citizen or permanent resident.
  • You must be 18 years old to apply.
  • You must be a resident of Iowa.


Other factors taken into consideration when you apply for Iowa Section 8 is your criminal background, employment history, and family composition.


How to Apply


Apply for Iowa Section 8 services at your local PHA office. Note that some offices only provide low-rent or Section 8 assistance programs, while others provide both services. Choose the program provider nearest to you that meets your Section 8 needs.

To start the process of Iowa public housing you will be placed on one of 38 waiting lists, all of which are currently open to applicants.

If you opt for the Housing Choice Voucher program, then you want to start searching for affordable housing in Iowa. You will have to find housing available for your household that meets HUD Section 8 requirements and apply for housing.

As you complete the application process, if you have any questions contact the Iowa PHA office in your region or the Des Moines Field office for your HUD agent. is not a government website or a government agency. You typically must work directly with the government to qualify for your program or benefits. This website and its contents are for informational purposes only. We do not claim responsibility for its accuracy.

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