Application Instructions for Louisiana Section 8

Step 1

Enter your zip code to get started

If you are struggling to find affordable, sanitary, and safe housing accommodations in Louisiana, consider the options of Section 8 services. The Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) and Louisiana public housing authorities (PHAs) have joined together to provide low-income housing assistance to residents in this state. In order to qualify for low-income housing services your household must meet low-income guidelines, or include a family member who is elderly or disabled.

The Louisiana Section 8 services include:

  • Housing Choice Voucher program
  • Public housing in project-based complexes

The Housing Choice Voucher program allots households with a subsidy that gives them more flexibility in finding affordable and safe housing. This voucher program requires households to pay up to 30 percent of their adjusted monthly income on rent. The remaining percentage is paid for via the Louisiana Section 8 program, directly to the landlord. Using this program, you can choose where you want to live, if the rental accommodations are up to standard according to HUD Section 8 guidelines. These guidelines require all housing to meet federal and state health and safety regulations.

For households that cannot find decent housing accommodations that meet HUD standards for the Housing Choice Voucher program, the other option is public housing. You are provided with a rental unit in an apartment complex that is designated as project-based housing. As with the Housing Choice Voucher program the landlord receives a subsidy to account for a portion of your rental expenses. You then pay the remaining balance that is predetermined according to your application for Louisiana Section 8. In general, you are expected to pay 30 percent of rental costs excluding utilities.

To receive Section 8 services in Louisiana you must first apply for these programs. To apply your household has to meet certain qualifications.


Who can Qualify for Section 8?


To apply for Louisiana Section 8 your household income must not exceed low-income limits. For a family of one in Louisiana the low-income limit for an annual income is $32,700. A household of four cannot exceed $46,700. Determine your limit level by adding up the number of individuals living in your household, as will be included in your Section 8 application. If you make less than the low-income limit for your family size, then you may be eligible for Section 8 services.


You must also meet other factors to apply for Louisiana Section 8. These include being over 18, as well as a US citizen or a naturalized permanent resident. The PHA will also conduct a criminal background check for your household to ensure there are no individuals with drug or sexual offenses living with you. These are disqualifying factors for Section 8 public housing, and can also cause you to get turned down for the Housing Choice Voucher program.


If your household members include anyone who is elderly or disabled, or your household has been involuntary displaced, then you will receive priority for Louisiana Section 8.



How to Apply


Contact the Louisiana PHA office serving the city or county where you will be residing with your Section 8 services. They will provide you with a pre-application that will place you on a waitlist. At the current time the waitlists for Louisiana include:

Once your name comes up on a waitlist you will be contacted to conduct the in-depth Section 8 application. This process involves the criminal background check, as well as detailed contact information for your employer, current or previous landlord, and bank. You must provide all information to proceed.

If your application is approved and you are provided with Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher services, you will need to find affordable and qualifying housing. For public housing recipients, you will be directed on where you will be living in project-based units.

For more information on the waitlists or application process for Louisiana Section 8 contact: is not a government website or a government agency. You typically must work directly with the government to qualify for your program or benefits. This website and its contents are for informational purposes only. We do not claim responsibility for its accuracy.

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